mandag 15. oktober 2012

[A4] Perceptual Apparatus - Probe 1

Out of the mapping I have done last week, I will now try to find out different ways to affect the light from the urban space outside, in my room. I will affect the window trough a "mechanism".

My first probe - "Camera Obscura" 


 "Camera obscura"


explanation of camera obscura:

Camera Obscua is a phenomen that exsist ewerywere a window or a opening is. But we can´t always see it.

Whats happening is: 

The light from above goes trough the opening and hits the lower part of the vertical surface. The reflected light from the ground outside the window is reflectet up trough the opening, and hits the upper part of the surface. You then get a picture of the surroundings upsidedown.

If the opening is big, the picture on the surface is blury. The smaller the opening is, the clearer the picture on the surface is. You can compare this whit pixels on a digital photo: the more pixels you have the clearer picture you get. The smaller opening you have in camera obscura (the ligth is more "focused") and the clearer picture you get on the surface. 


If the opening is a window and you have a wall behind the window not too fare away, you often can see a dark area in the top of the wall (the ground) and a lighter area in the lower part of the wall(the sky). For the best result, there should not be any other light sources.

Trough moving the surface back and forth (towards the opnening),I belive you can focus on different distances outside.


Probe 1:

My first probe is inspired by the camera obscura effect I got trough my window when I was mapping. 

I will try to make a camera obscura out of my room, where the window is the opening letting the light into my room.

Since I use my bed as an stayplace and to sleep in, thats were I stay moste when I´m in my room. The thougth is that I, from my bed,  can regulate the window opening from my bed. That way I deside how clear the picture on the wall should be. In the same time I have opportunity to move my "wall" back and forth (also from my bed), so i can regulate what i will focus on. When i move my wall back and forth, i will not only change the focus on the picture, I also change the spatial expression of my room.