onsdag 5. september 2012

[A1] Window Safari

Vår første oppgave på 2. år handler om "openings" nærmere bestemt "windows". Vi bruker Århus til vår undersøkelse, hvor vi skal ta bilder av vinduer rundt om kring i byen. Ti bilder skal utvelges og et skal forstørres opp som hovedbilde. Alle de ti bildene skal ha en sammenheng i form av et tema vi selv velger.



English:  (my english is not so good. take it or leave it)

The first task at 2. year: Window Safari. We used Aarhus city too survey the subject "openings", more concrete "windows". We were asked to choose a theme and go "shoot" windows all over Aarhus. 

My collage: 
"Different". "When someone says the word window, the picture that immideately springs to mind for most people will be a square shaped frame with glass in it. Maybe it also has lattices. You can find this type of window all over Århus, but if you are aware, you may also notice many examples of windows were people have been creative and thinking out of the box)"

- Eirin