mandag 7. april 2014

onsdag 26. mars 2014

tirsdag 25. mars 2014

søndag 23. mars 2014

[P4] - Case studies: Using the context as a screen

Pablo Valbuena - Using the existing context as a part of his work

Krysztof Wodiczko - Using a facade as a screen

Janet Echelman - Screening on fabric

Electric Fores Festival - trees as screens

lørdag 22. mars 2014

[P4] Location of workspaces

Placement of Work spaces/exhibition spaces
As an architect I am not designing the art, but rather the frames for the art to evolve within.
The spots out in the woods is spaces which are to be used as a workspace for the Time bases artists. Here they can develop their work and exhibition along the process of the work. The architecture encourage to use the exhibitionspace while developing their projects. 

Our site at prora has some special qualities that the school in Berlin does not have.
    - Nature:     - woods
                        - ocean
    - The combination of music and media

This three properties of Prora is something you can't find in Berlin, which makes this place unique. And it is this three qualities the exhibitionspaces/Workspaces is defined from.

The form of the workspaces is defined of the surrounding context, and the possible views the the artist can benefit from. The spaces is not to be defined with walls and roofs, but a constructed frame that have the possibility to be covered where it is needed. In that way the artist can shape the space out of their wishes. 

[P4] Working model // Step 2

Process model 1:50, front

Process model 1:50, Music boxes

Process model 1:50, Side,  Music boxes

Process model 1:50 fixed facilities

The next step at the working model was to place all the music spaces, and se how it interacts with the existing structure. By placing the planned spaces, we could see some conflicts and got some new ideas, which is to be included in the model in the further process.

[P4] Working model of the Prora structure

Working model 1:50, above

Working model 1:50, Front

Working model 1:50, side

This model is a working model to visualize our consept. At this point the structure of the exixting building is buildt up, and the openings in the structure is where music rehearsal boxes wil be placed.

tirsdag 11. mars 2014

mandag 3. mars 2014

[P3] Progressing // Program for Prora Workshop

Idea of the Prora Workshop

"The Prora Media Art Center" is a workshop space for media art students from the Berlin Art Academy (Universität der Künste Berlin), with a speciality within the media of video.

The Prora Workshop is planned as a part of their bachelor/Master education, finding place at the first semester of the Master/Bachelor year.
Here they have the opportunity to explore the possibilities within Media art itself, to stand out and show face, and corporate with other professions and possible collaborators.
The students have the possibility to immerse into their own working method, but do also learn to corporate with their fellow students.
The place offers not only private workspace, work labs for common use, dark test rooms, auditoriums and seminar rooms, but the specific location offers a unique opportunity to unfold the media art in different contexts ( public beach, woods,
The Prora building/area spans over 4,5 kilometers where other businesses occupies other parts, which opens up to collaborations not easy to find other places.

Together with the existing structures properties, I want to use the context of the site.
The context is focused on the qualities the different materialities of the context have, but also the potential audience/spectators and maybe even the inhabitants in other parts of Prora.
The flow of the public in relation to the inhabitants (transition from public to private) is something that fascinates me.

The position of Rügen gives a great deal of dark hours through the year, which I will take advantage of. The best property for light projections is darkness, which gives the opportunity to use the surroundings as a part of the workspace. The daylight differ through the year, which opens up for dividing  the cycle of the year in different events and happenings. In that way the happenings fits the condition of the specific time of year, and the potential happenings is shown from its best side. 

New opneings

New openings Sequence 01 from Eirin Bakken on Vimeo.

torsdag 27. februar 2014

[P3] stituatuion and the 6 stripes

The 6 stripes - flow

Interplay between the separate stripes

mandag 24. februar 2014

[P3] - Program in progress

Program in progress 

Relations between facilities // Media art

[P2] - Study trip // Collages of transformations

lørdag 8. februar 2014

[P1] - Case study // Red Bull Music Academy

Axonometry // Structure, materials
Collage // Inhabitation, atmosphere
Collage/diagram // Sound and Light conditions                 

- Book: Lee, Uje, 2012, Spatial from temporalPalimpsest and complexity, Seoul: C3 ; 333, p. 64-75 
- Website: Luis Diaz Diaz, ANP - Architecture News Plus, #9 of 21 images for Red Bull Music Academy by Langarita-Navarro Arquitectos.

6. semester - Bachelor